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8 Views · 2 years ago

"2000 Mules" Watch the complete film while the link is still active! My previous links have all been shut down:

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⁣Shoulders of Giants
This channel presents original commentary across a variety of subjects (health, finance, politics, etc.) as expressed by thought leaders who seek to freely disseminate their knowledge via any and all platforms across the globe in their efforts to elevate both the human condition and human consciousness. The source from which each video was first webcast is displayed within each video, and all viewers are heartily encouraged to follow these experts for deeper insights.

10 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Shoulders of Giants
This channel presents original commentary across a variety of subjects (health, finance, politics, etc.) as expressed by thought leaders who seek to freely disseminate their knowledge via any and all platforms across the globe in their efforts to elevate both the human condition and human consciousness. The source from which each video was first webcast is displayed within each video, and all viewers are heartily encouraged to follow these experts for deeper insights.

Link To The MMRI (Mannarino Market Risk Indicator), FREE Downloads And More! Click Here: https://traderschoice.net/abou....t-traders-choice/PLE SUPPORT MY WORK. Click here: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/GregoryMannarinoMy Book "A (NOT) So Random Walk On Wall St. Click here: https://www.lulu.com/en/us/shop/gregory-mannarino/a-not-so-random-walk-on-wall-street/ebook/product-n66ymz.html?page=1&pageSize=4Subscribe To My FREE NEWSLETTER Click HERE: https://substack.com/sign-in?redirect=%2Fpublish&for_pub=gregorymannarino&error=Please%20log%20in%20to%20access%20this%20page.&change_user=falseWANT TO SUPPORT MY WORK WITH CRYPTO? Please click here: https://commerce.coinbase.com/....checkout/81ce40ab-37 BEWARE OF ANY COMMENT WITH WHATSAPP, TEXTME+, OR TELEGRAM IN THE TITLE OR IN THE COMMENT ITSELF, THESE ARE SCAMS! BEWARE OF ANY COMMENTS OR TITLES CONTAINING MY NAME OR PICTURE. BEWARE OF COMMENTS WITH NUMBERS, AND OR ANY SPECIAL CHARACTERS. BEWARE OF DIRECT TEXT OR DIRECT MESSAGE, THESE ARE ALL SCAMMERS!This website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer or solicitation to sell shares or securities in the Company or any related or associated company. Any such offer or solicitation will be made only by means of the Company's confidential Offering Memorandum and in accordance with the terms of all applicable securities and other laws. None of the information or analyses presented are intended to form the basis for any investment decision, and no specific recommendations are intended. Accordingly this website does not constitute investment advice or counsel or solicitation for investment in any security. This website does not constitute or form part of, and should not be construed as, any offer for sale or subscription of, or any invitation to offer to buy or subscribe for, any securities, nor should it or any part of it form the basis of, or be relied on in any connection with, any contract or commitment whatsoever. The Company expressly disclaims any and all responsibility for any direct or consequential loss or damage of any kind whatsoever arising directly or indirectly from: (i) reliance on any information contained in the website, (ii) any error, omission or inaccuracy in any such information or (iii) any action resulting therefrom.Trolling, racist, or any hate related comments will not be tolerated on this channel, any one of these will lead to permanent BAN from this channel without warning.*Stock trading involves financial risk. Trade/invest wisely.#crypto​ #trading​​ #banned

11 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Shoulders of Giants
This channel presents original commentary across a variety of subjects (health, finance, politics, etc.) as expressed by thought leaders who seek to freely disseminate their knowledge via any and all platforms across the globe in their efforts to elevate both the human condition and human consciousness. The source from which each video was first webcast is displayed within each video, and all viewers are heartily encouraged to follow these experts for deeper insights.

SUBSCRIBE - click link below to receive Fr. Mark's daily videos by emailhttp://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/d.jsp?llr=i4u8rosab&p=oi&m=1119327474664&sit=qzvw4fijb&f=5b8fde36-391d-4a18-8be3-dc17ec682154

7 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Shoulders of Giants
This channel presents original commentary across a variety of subjects (health, finance, politics, etc.) as expressed by thought leaders who seek to freely disseminate their knowledge via any and all platforms across the globe in their efforts to elevate both the human condition and human consciousness. The source from which each video was first webcast is displayed within each video, and all viewers are heartily encouraged to follow these experts for deeper insights.

LIKE & SUBSCRIBE for new videos every day. https://www.youtube.com/c/MattWalsh JK Rowling and Matt got into an argument on twitter when discussing cowardice in the fight for women's rights.Watch the full episode here: https://bit.ly/3Pn1lhE Watch full episodes of The Matt Walsh Show here: https://bit.ly/3kImEelGrab your Daily Wire merch here: https://utm.io/udZppAll the cool kids have newsletters, so I made one too. Sign up to get it every Friday here. Click here: http://www.mattwalshreport.com/Become a Daily Wire Member today to gain access to exclusive content: https://utm.io/ud1BzGrab your copy of Johnny the Walrus before it’s banned: https://utm.io/ud1Ca #TheMattWalshShow #News #Politics #DailyWire

7 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Shoulders of Giants
This channel presents original commentary across a variety of subjects (health, finance, politics, etc.) as expressed by thought leaders who seek to freely disseminate their knowledge via any and all platforms across the globe in their efforts to elevate both the human condition and human consciousness. The source from which each video was first webcast is displayed within each video, and all viewers are heartily encouraged to follow these experts for deeper insights.

Detox Emotionally15 Things Emotionally Healthy People Do - Part Three - Matthew KellyGet Matthew’s 60 Second Wisdom delivered to your inbox: https://www.matthewkelly.com/subscribeWatch the rest of the series:15 Things Emotionally Healthy People Do (Part One) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxtzZrfKZoI&list=PLgCGT7nNXGY6rad5vQQLVLlMdJTSbRufz&index=1015 Things Emotionally Healthy People Do (Part Two) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vptkDI4ybMk&list=PLgCGT7nNXGY6rad5vQQLVLlMdJTSbRufz&index=14Video Transcript:“11. They accept that everyone experiences stress, fear, anxiety, and depressed at times in their lives. They don’t see these as human malfunctions, but as highly tuned systems designed to help the human person avoid danger, get back on track, and thrive. 12. When they meet someone they don’t like, they explore what it is about that person that makes them uncomfortable, and how that encounter might be challenging them to grow.13. They have a healthy sense of self. They know who they are and who they are not, and they don’t let other people determine their self-worth14. Emotionally healthy people understand that people come into their lives for reasons and seasons. Just because you were best friends once, doesn’t mean you need to be best friends forever. Reasons and seasons. 15. They believe in the best of their humanity. They know in each moment they can choose to love, be generous, show compassion, and make a difference. They let the best of their humanity shine bright and often.It is easy to neglect our emotional health, but the symptoms are unavoidable. They will emerge in every aspect of our lives and every relationship. Make your emotional health a priority by focusing on these 15 attributes, and you will develop a stringer sense of self and healthier relationships."If you have not read LIFE IS MESSY, order your copy today: https://amzn.to/2TTgZKn Subscribe to Matthew’s YouTube Channel today! https://www.youtube.com/c/Matt....hewKellyAuthor/featu Matthew’s 60 Second Wisdom delivered to your inbox: https://www.matthewkelly.com/subscribe The Best Version of Yourself and 60 Second Wisdom are registered trademarks.#MatthewKelly #BestVersionOfYourself #60SecondWisdom #BestVersion

9 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Shoulders of Giants
This channel presents original commentary across a variety of subjects (health, finance, politics, etc.) as expressed by thought leaders who seek to freely disseminate their knowledge via any and all platforms across the globe in their efforts to elevate both the human condition and human consciousness. The source from which each video was first webcast is displayed within each video, and all viewers are heartily encouraged to follow these experts for deeper insights.

How to Set Boundaries15 Things Emotionally Healthy People Do - Part Two - Matthew KellyGet Matthew’s 60 Second Wisdom delivered to your inbox: https://www.matthewkelly.com/subscribeWatch the rest of the series:15 Things Emotionally Healthy People Do (Part One) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxtzZrfKZoI&list=PLgCGT7nNXGY6rad5vQQLVLlMdJTSbRufz&index=1015 Things Emotionally Healthy People Do (Part Three) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1Il34-S310&list=PLgCGT7nNXGY6rad5vQQLVLlMdJTSbRufz&index=16Video Transcript:“5. They set boundaries by saying no. They are able to say no without feeling guilty, because they know what they are saying yes to. The only way to say no to anything is to have a deeper, more important yes. You may think you could never say no and not feel guilty. That may be true in the beginning. But the first step is saying no, even if that means saying no and feeling guilty. Better to say no and feel guilty than to say yes to the wrong things. Emotionally people also understand that other people use guilt to get what they want because it works, and they take themselves out of those manipulations by saying no.6. Emotionally people realize everyone is carry a heavy burden. They have large stores of empathy and give people the benefit of the doubt. 7. They know how to be alone. They enjoy their own company. They would rather be along than hang out with people who are a negative impact on their lives.8. Emotionally healthy people make decisions based on values not feelings.9. They walk away from toxic people. 10. They are comfortable with uncertainty. They would rather wait for the right answer than rush to the wrong conclusion for the sake of having false closure."If you have not read LIFE IS MESSY, order your copy today: https://amzn.to/2TTgZKn Subscribe to Matthew’s YouTube Channel today! https://www.youtube.com/c/Matt....hewKellyAuthor/featu Matthew’s 60 Second Wisdom delivered to your inbox: https://www.matthewkelly.com/subscribe The Best Version of Yourself and 60 Second Wisdom are registered trademarks.#MatthewKelly #BestVersionOfYourself #60SecondWisdom #BestVersion

9 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Shoulders of Giants
This channel presents original commentary across a variety of subjects (health, finance, politics, etc.) as expressed by thought leaders who seek to freely disseminate their knowledge via any and all platforms across the globe in their efforts to elevate both the human condition and human consciousness. The source from which each video was first webcast is displayed within each video, and all viewers are heartily encouraged to follow these experts for deeper insights.

How Emotionally Healthy Are You?15 Things Emotionally Healthy People Do - Part One - Matthew KellyGet Matthew’s 60 Second Wisdom delivered to your inbox: https://www.matthewkelly.com/subscribeWatch the rest of the series:15 Things Emotionally Healthy People Do (Part Two) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vptkDI4ybMk&list=PLgCGT7nNXGY6rad5vQQLVLlMdJTSbRufz&index=1415 Things Emotionally Healthy People Do (Part Three) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1Il34-S310&list=PLgCGT7nNXGY6rad5vQQLVLlMdJTSbRufz&index=16Video Transcript:"Without emotional health, happiness and overall satisfaction in life become almost impossible. And like so many of life’s most important lessons, nobody teaches us these things. Here are 15 things emotionally healthy people do to stay emotionally healthy.1. Self-Awareness. They observe themselves. They are constantly discovering new things about themselves. getting to know themselves more. Self-awareness is the first step toward emotional health, but it is not a once and done activity. It is the first step toward emotional health every day.In moving towards becoming emotionally healthy is self-awareness. When you practice self-awareness, you are able to see what habits and beliefs serve you and which do not. You can do so by engaging in self-reflection and self-analysis on a regular basis.Observe themselves closely and deeply. Listen to their heart mind body and soul.2. Awareness of Others. Emotional healthy people are aware of how what they do and say effects other people. They are able to put themselves in the other person’s shoes, and as a result, they are quick to recognize the needs of others. 3. Emotionally healthy people question their assumptions about themselves, other people, relationships, and life in general. 4. They allow themselves to be angry. Most of us were told at some point in our lives that anger is bad or not to lose our tempers. But anger isn’t bad. It just is. It’s part of the human condition. You are angry about something right now. You may have been angry about it for 5 minutes or fifteen years. One thing is certain, the anger will stay, until we find healthy ways to process it."If you have not read LIFE IS MESSY, order your copy today: https://amzn.to/2TTgZKn Subscribe to Matthew’s YouTube Channel today! https://www.youtube.com/c/Matt....hewKellyAuthor/featu Matthew’s 60 Second Wisdom delivered to your inbox: https://www.matthewkelly.com/subscribe The Best Version of Yourself and 60 Second Wisdom are registered trademarks.#MatthewKelly #BestVersionOfYourself #60SecondWisdom #BestVersion

7 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Shoulders of Giants
This channel presents original commentary across a variety of subjects (health, finance, politics, etc.) as expressed by thought leaders who seek to freely disseminate their knowledge via any and all platforms across the globe in their efforts to elevate both the human condition and human consciousness. The source from which each video was first webcast is displayed within each video, and all viewers are heartily encouraged to follow these experts for deeper insights.

Friends, there are a lot of people today who might be intrigued by Jesus. They find him interesting, remember him as a spiritual teacher, or have warm feelings about him. But in today’s Gospel, Jesus is saying to his fair-weather fans—those who are following him because he’s fascinating and charismatic—that being his disciple is not a walk in the park; it is something of supreme spiritual and moral importance.SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel to watch every Sunday Sermon: https://bit.ly/wof-subscribe———VIDEO LINKS———The Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist // Bishop Barron at 2020 Religious Education Congress: https://youtu.be/UzCPu_lEhe8Understanding the Present Moment #4 (Michel Foucault): https://youtu.be/Py_4NBfCDnU Join me at “Wonder: A Conference on Faith and Science”: https://youtu.be/1PiWY9-bWsk———WATCH———Subscribe to this Channel: https://bit.ly/31LV1snWord on Fire Institute Channel: https://bit.ly/2voBZMDWord on Fire en Español Channel: https://bit.ly/2uFowjl———WORD ON FIRE———Word on Fire: https://www.wordonfire.org/FREE Daily Gospel Reflections (English or Español): https://dailycatholicgospel.com/———WORD ON FIRE INSTITUTE———Join Bishop Barron and over 20,000 evangelists inside the Word on Fire Institute at https://wordonfire.institute———SOCIAL MEDIA———Bishop Barron Instagram: https://bit.ly/2Sn2XgDBishop Barron Facebook: https://bit.ly/2Sltef5Bishop Barron Twitter: https://bit.ly/2Hkz6yQWord on Fire Instagram: https://bit.ly/39sGNyZWord on Fire Facebook: https://bit.ly/2HmpPpWWord on Fire Twitter: https://bit.ly/2UKO49hWord on Fire en Español Instagram: https://bit.ly/38mqofDWord on Fire en Español Facebook: https://bit.ly/2SlthaLWord on Fire en Español Twitter: https://bit.ly/38n3VPt———SUPPORT WORD ON FIRE———Help Bishop Barron continue to produce videos like this: https://bit.ly/3QSvGpoWord on Fire Store: https://bookstore.wordonfire.org/Pray: https://bit.ly/2vqU7Ft

8 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Shoulders of Giants
This channel presents original commentary across a variety of subjects (health, finance, politics, etc.) as expressed by thought leaders who seek to freely disseminate their knowledge via any and all platforms across the globe in their efforts to elevate both the human condition and human consciousness. The source from which each video was first webcast is displayed within each video, and all viewers are heartily encouraged to follow these experts for deeper insights.

Become a DailyWire+ member and watch the full show, use code PLUS to get 35% off: https://utm.io/ueSu0LIKE & SUBSCRIBE for new videos every day. https://www.youtube.com/c/MattWalshMatt Walsh and Kirk Cameron answer a question from a DW member about introducing the trans topic to your kids.Watch the full episode here: https://bit.ly/3AJaJGA Stop giving your money to woke corporations that hate you. Get your Jeremy’s Razors today at https://www.ihateharrys.comWatch my hit documentary, “What Is A Woman?” here: https://utm.io/ueSdVRepresent the Sweet Baby Gang by shopping my merch: https://utm.io/ueSdWAll the cool kids have newsletters, so I made one too. Sign up to get it every Friday here. Click here: http://www.mattwalshreport.com/#MattWalsh #TheMattWalshShow #News #Politics #DailyWire #WhatIsAWoman

11 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Shoulders of Giants
This channel presents original commentary across a variety of subjects (health, finance, politics, etc.) as expressed by thought leaders who seek to freely disseminate their knowledge via any and all platforms across the globe in their efforts to elevate both the human condition and human consciousness. The source from which each video was first webcast is displayed within each video, and all viewers are heartily encouraged to follow these experts for deeper insights.

Change Your Life in One Minute - Matthew Kelly - 60 Second WisdomCan one minute change your life? In these sixty seconds, Matthew Kelly explains a simple one minute exercise that will inject your life with passion and purpose, change the way you see everything and everyone, focus you on what matters most in your life, and give you the courage to reject the things that don’t matter at all.Get Matthew’s 60 Second Wisdom delivered to your inbox: https://www.matthewkelly.com/subscribe Transcript:"One minute that will change your life. My five-year-old Ralph came into my study the other night, to say goodnight, I gave him a huge hug and a kiss, he’s just delicious. And I said to him, I love you for two forevers. “No daddy,” he replied. I said, “What do you mean?” He said, “There is only one forever. I said “Really?” He said, “Yes, this life is not forever, we are only passing through this life, the only forever is in heaven.” Alright, so let’s take a beat and sit with that for a minute, this is coming from a five-year-old.[Ralph]“This life is not forever.” [MK] “It isn’t?”[Ralph]“No. We are just passing through this world.”Powerful! Take one minute every day for the rest of your life to think about the fact that you’re just passing through this life and soon you will be dead, and I guarantee you, you will live more passionately, more purposefully, more intentionally every day for the rest of your life."If you have not read LIFE IS MESSY, order your copy today: https://amzn.to/2TTgZKn Subscribe to Matthew’s YouTube Channel today! https://www.youtube.com/c/Matt....hewKellyAuthor/featu Matthew’s 60 Second Wisdom delivered to your inbox: https://www.matthewkelly.com/subscribe The Best Version of Yourself and 60 Second Wisdom are registered trademarks.#MatthewKelly #BestVersionOfYourself #60SecondWisdom #BestVersion

12 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Shoulders of Giants
This channel presents original commentary across a variety of subjects (health, finance, politics, etc.) as expressed by thought leaders who seek to freely disseminate their knowledge via any and all platforms across the globe in their efforts to elevate both the human condition and human consciousness. The source from which each video was first webcast is displayed within each video, and all viewers are heartily encouraged to follow these experts for deeper insights.

32 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Shoulders of Giants
This channel presents original commentary across a variety of subjects (health, finance, politics, etc.) as expressed by thought leaders who seek to freely disseminate their knowledge via any and all platforms across the globe in their efforts to elevate both the human condition and human consciousness. The source from which each video was first webcast is displayed within each video, and all viewers are heartily encouraged to follow these experts for deeper insights.

"What Happened That No One Noticed - Peter Zeihan LAST WARNINGI hope you like and enjoy the videos. To see more video please subscribe my channel.Thank You ▶Footage licensed through StoryBlocks.com▶Music : Licensed▶Video Footage : StoryBlocks1)This video has no negative impact on the original works (It would actually be positive for them) 2)This video is also used for teaching purposes. 3)It is transformative in nature. 4)I ONLY used bits and pieces of videos to get the point across where necessarySource : https://youtube.com/c/Zeihanon....Geopolitics#ukrainew #oil #economy #russia #covid

28 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Shoulders of Giants
This channel presents original commentary across a variety of subjects (health, finance, politics, etc.) as expressed by thought leaders who seek to freely disseminate their knowledge via any and all platforms across the globe in their efforts to elevate both the human condition and human consciousness. The source from which each video was first webcast is displayed within each video, and all viewers are heartily encouraged to follow these experts for deeper insights.

LIKE & SUBSCRIBE for new videos everyday. https://www.youtube.com/c/MattWalsh The fallout from Dave Chappelle's latest comedy special continues, exposing the fact that the Left truly is just a bunch of whiny babies.Watch the full episode here: https://bit.ly/309mIi1Watch full episodes of The Matt Walsh Show here: https://bit.ly/3kImEelBecome a Daily Wire member today — use discount code YOUTUBE to get 15% off your membership! JOIN: https://utm.io/udjWzAll the cool kids have newsletters, so I made one too. Sign up to get it every Friday here. Click here: http://www.mattwalshreport.com/#TheMattWalshShow #News #Politics #DailyWire #DaveChappelle #Comedy

6 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Shoulders of Giants
This channel presents original commentary across a variety of subjects (health, finance, politics, etc.) as expressed by thought leaders who seek to freely disseminate their knowledge via any and all platforms across the globe in their efforts to elevate both the human condition and human consciousness. The source from which each video was first webcast is displayed within each video, and all viewers are heartily encouraged to follow these experts for deeper insights.

The Meaning of Life - Matthew Kelly - 60 Second WisdomThe great minds of every age have debated the meaning of life. In these sixty seconds, Matthew Kelly explains that when we ask the question, “What is the meaning of life? what we really want to know is, What is the meaning of my life?Get Matthew’s 60 Second Wisdom delivered to your inbox: https://www.matthewkelly.com/subscribe Video Transcript:"What is the meaning of life? The great minds of every age have been obsessed with this question, but it’s a question we all wrestle with in our own way.Pablo Picasso said, “The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.” Have you found your gift? I’ve spent my life helping people become the-best-version-of-themselves, because I believe that is the meaning of life.But when we ask the question, “what is the meaning of life,” we are not asking, what is the meaning of life for all 7 billion people on the planet. We’re asking, what is the meaning of my life? Take some time to think about it. The great minds have thought about it, but now it’s time for you to think about it, and it is a question that’s worthy of our time.Add your thoughts to the YouTube comments, and may your life be filled with love, laughter, and dreams come true."If you have not read LIFE IS MESSY, order your copy today: https://amzn.to/2TTgZKn Subscribe to Matthew’s YouTube Channel today! https://www.youtube.com/c/Matt....hewKellyAuthor/featu Matthew’s 60 Second Wisdom delivered to your inbox: https://www.matthewkelly.com/subscribe The Best Version of Yourself and 60 Second Wisdom are registered trademarks.#MatthewKelly #BestVersionOfYourself #60SecondWisdom #BestVersion

6 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Shoulders of Giants
This channel presents original commentary across a variety of subjects (health, finance, politics, etc.) as expressed by thought leaders who seek to freely disseminate their knowledge via any and all platforms across the globe in their efforts to elevate both the human condition and human consciousness. The source from which each video was first webcast is displayed within each video, and all viewers are heartily encouraged to follow these experts for deeper insights.

Chuck gives an update on the market for September 2nd, 2022 to wrap up this crazy week in the economy.Visit the website to donate a Cup of Coffee for Chuck: https://chuckbarone.comDon't forget to like, subscribe, hit the bell icon for notifications, and ask questions in the comments below.Join the newsletter here: https://chuckbarone.substack.com/#finance #stockmarket #wealth #realestate #debt #recession #stocks #gold #silver #crypto

5 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Shoulders of Giants
This channel presents original commentary across a variety of subjects (health, finance, politics, etc.) as expressed by thought leaders who seek to freely disseminate their knowledge via any and all platforms across the globe in their efforts to elevate both the human condition and human consciousness. The source from which each video was first webcast is displayed within each video, and all viewers are heartily encouraged to follow these experts for deeper insights.

On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. James Dobson and Rabbi Jonathan Cahn continue to discuss Rabbi Cahn’s new book, "The Return of the Gods." You’ll hear more details about the Dark Trinity, comprised of Baal, Ishtar, and Molech. Following Baal, the god of apostasy, Ishtar, the goddess of sexual perversion has led America down a road of pornography and sexual immorality. Finally, just as Molech enticed ancient Israelites to sacrifice their children in the fire, we have sacrificed our children through the atrocity of abortion. About Today's Guest: Rabbi Jonathan CahnRabbi Jonathan Cahn is a New York Times best-selling author of "The Harbinger," "The Paradigm," "The Mystery of the Shemitah," "The Book of Mysteries, The Oracle, and The Harbinger II: The Return." He is also President of Hope of the World Ministries, an international outreach of teaching, evangelism, and compassion projects for the world’s most needy. Additionally, he serves as the Senior Pastor and Messianic Rabbi of the Jerusalem Center/Beth Israel in Wayne, New Jersey. Rabbi Cahn’s teachings focus on deep scriptural mysteries that have profound prophetic impact. He is an internationally sought-after speaker, having most notably appeared before the U.S. Congress and the United Nations. Rabbi Cahn is a Messianic Jew who has been called the prophetic voice of this generation. He and his wife, Renata, have three sons.Related Resources:"The Return of the Gods" book by Rabbi Jonathan Cahnhttp://HopeOfTheWorld.orgFor more information and to connect with all resources mentioned – http://drjamesdobson.org/broad....cast/2022-09-02Famil Talk Station Finder – https://www.drjamesdobson.org/....radio-stations-----V our website: http://www.drjamesdobson.orgFind us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrJam....esDobsonsFamilyTalkF us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrJamesDobsonFTFollow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drjamesdobsonft/Listen to Family Talk on Alexa: http://www.drjamesdobson.org/alexa

11 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Shoulders of Giants
This channel presents original commentary across a variety of subjects (health, finance, politics, etc.) as expressed by thought leaders who seek to freely disseminate their knowledge via any and all platforms across the globe in their efforts to elevate both the human condition and human consciousness. The source from which each video was first webcast is displayed within each video, and all viewers are heartily encouraged to follow these experts for deeper insights.

According to Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, America’s disturbing rejection of the one true God has opened the door for the return of the ancient gods. On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. James Dobson and Cahn discuss the research and findings in his new book, "The Return of the Gods." Rabbi Cahn explains that the presence of the Dark Trinity — comprised of Baal, Ishtar, and Molech—on American soil has led to our embrace of wicked practices. Ephesians 6:12 warns, “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” About Today's Guest: Rabbi Jonathan CahnRabbi Jonathan Cahn is a New York Times best-selling author of "The Harbinger," "The Paradigm," "The Mystery of the Shemitah," "The Book of Mysteries, The Oracle, and The Harbinger II: The Return." He is also President of Hope of the World Ministries, an international outreach of teaching, evangelism, and compassion projects for the world’s most needy. Additionally, he serves as the Senior Pastor and Messianic Rabbi of the Jerusalem Center/Beth Israel in Wayne, New Jersey. Rabbi Cahn’s teachings focus on deep scriptural mysteries that have profound prophetic impact. He is an internationally sought-after speaker, having most notably appeared before the U.S. Congress and the United Nations. Rabbi Cahn is a Messianic Jew who has been called the prophetic voice of this generation. He and his wife, Renata, have three sons.Related Resources:"The Return of the Gods" book by Rabbi Jonathan Cahnhttp://HopeOfTheWorld.orgFor more information and to connect with all resources mentioned – http://drjamesdobson.org/broad....cast/2022-09-01Famil Talk Station Finder – https://www.drjamesdobson.org/....radio-stations-----V our website: http://www.drjamesdobson.orgFind us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrJam....esDobsonsFamilyTalkF us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrJamesDobsonFTFollow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drjamesdobsonft/Listen to Family Talk on Alexa: http://www.drjamesdobson.org/alexa

5 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Shoulders of Giants
This channel presents original commentary across a variety of subjects (health, finance, politics, etc.) as expressed by thought leaders who seek to freely disseminate their knowledge via any and all platforms across the globe in their efforts to elevate both the human condition and human consciousness. The source from which each video was first webcast is displayed within each video, and all viewers are heartily encouraged to follow these experts for deeper insights.

Some Things Look Good On EveryoneGenerosity Looks Good on You - Matthew Kelly - 60 Second WisdomGet Matthew’s 60 Second Wisdom delivered to your inbox: https://www.matthewkelly.com/subscribeVideo Transcript:"Generosity Looks Good on You… and there are so many ways to be generous. When I was young, my mother would say things like, “That color looks great on you” or “I really like that shirt on you.” Different things look good on different people, but some things look good on everyone. And generosity is at the top of the list. So this week… Call someone just to say hello. Tip like you’ve never tipped before.Ask the people you love about their hopes and dreams.Give someone an unexpected gift.Compliment someone who least expects it.Save a life by donating blood.Smile… generously.Give someone a life-changing book.Be a generous lover.Make someone’s day.Tell someone how they influenced your life.Tell someone you love having them in your life!You’re at your best when you’re generous. So, don’t just dabble in generosity, live a life of staggering generosity. Astonish people with the boldness of your generosity.Unleash the genius of generosity in your life."If you have not read LIFE IS MESSY, order your copy today: https://amzn.to/2TTgZKn Subscribe to Matthew’s YouTube Channel today! https://www.youtube.com/c/Matt....hewKellyAuthor/featu Matthew’s 60 Second Wisdom delivered to your inbox: https://www.matthewkelly.com/subscribe The Best Version of Yourself and 60 Second Wisdom are registered trademarks.#MatthewKelly #BestVersionOfYourself #60SecondWisdom #BestVersion

27 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Shoulders of Giants
This channel presents original commentary across a variety of subjects (health, finance, politics, etc.) as expressed by thought leaders who seek to freely disseminate their knowledge via any and all platforms across the globe in their efforts to elevate both the human condition and human consciousness. The source from which each video was first webcast is displayed within each video, and all viewers are heartily encouraged to follow these experts for deeper insights.

16 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Shoulders of Giants
This channel presents original commentary across a variety of subjects (health,
finance, politics, etc.) as expressed by thought leaders who seek to freely
disseminate their knowledge via any and all platforms across the globe in their
efforts to elevate both the human condition and human consciousness. The source
from which each video was first webcast is displayed within each video, and all viewers
are heartily encouraged to follow these experts for deeper insights.

Fox News host Lawrence Jones was joined by a group of educators from across the country to navigate the challenges facing America's school system on 'Cross Country.'#FoxNews #Fox Subscribe to Fox News! https://bit.ly/2vaBUvASWatch more Fox News Video: http://video.foxnews.comWatch Fox News Channel Live: http://www.foxnewsgo.com/FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service delivering breaking news as well as political and business news. The number one network in cable, FNC has been the most-watched television news channel for 18 consecutive years. According to a 2020 Brand Keys Consumer Loyalty Engagement Index report, FOX News is the top brand in the country for morning and evening news coverage. A 2019 Suffolk University poll named FOX News as the most trusted source for television news or commentary, while a 2019 Brand Keys Emotion Engagement Analysis survey found that FOX News was the most trusted cable news brand. A 2017 Gallup/Knight Foundation survey also found that among Americans who could name an objective news source, FOX News was the top-cited outlet. Owned by FOX Corporation, FNC is available in nearly 90 million homes and dominates the cable news landscape, routinely notching the top ten programs in the genre.Watch full episodes of your favorite showsThe Five: http://video.foxnews.com/playl....ist/longform-the-fiv Report with Bret Baier: http://video.foxnews.com/playl....ist/longform-special News Primetime: https://video.foxnews.com/play....list/on-air-fox-news Carlson Tonight: http://video.foxnews.com/playl....ist/longform-tucker- http://video.foxnews.com/playl....ist/longform-hannity Ingraham Angle: http://video.foxnews.com/playl....ist/longform-the-ing News @ Night: http://video.foxnews.com/playl....ist/longform-fox-new Fox News on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FoxNews/Follow Fox News on Twitter: https://twitter.com/FoxNews/Follow Fox News on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/foxnews/

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