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This is a livestream that Dr. Buttar conducted in early 2021 before his YouTube channel was terminated. I had saved it and now have uploaded to crwdview it with his permission.
Preserving the work of my friend. RIP Liam.
Let's ask a scientist! They'll tell us what's what.
Learn more about science by not asking any questions and putting your head in a bucket of sand. Or, learn how to be a bad, bad 'denier of science' by questioning today's science, reading the scientific literature critically, and of course, reading "Official Stories," and other deniers-of-science theme books.
Part 4 of Dr. David Ayoub's lecture from October 17, 2010. This is the final part of this presentation, which was removed from YouTube
Part 3 of Dr. David Ayoub's lecture given on October 17, 2010. This video was removed from YouTube due to the discussion of health-related issues that are linked to vaccines
Part 2 of 4 of Dr. David Ayoub's lecture given on October 17, 2010.
Lecture given by Dr. David Ayoub on October 17, 2010. This video was purged from YouTube.
Credit for this video goes to Erik Nanstiel and FAIR Autism Media, whose channel was deleted from YouTube last year.