
7 Views · 3 years ago

What is the best way to ease someone's pain and suffering? In this beautifully animated RSA Short, Dr Brené Brown reminds us that we can only create a genuine empathic connection if we are brave enough to really get in touch with our own fragilities. Voice: Dr Brené BrownAnimation: Katy Davis (AKA Gobblynne)

6 Views · 3 years ago

⁣What Happens When a Truck Drivers Changes to Raw Food Lifestyle
Have health issues? Go on a raw food diet. Turn back the clock, look younger, feel younger. It's like starting life all over again! For nutritional counselling, contact Craig at: eftcyprus

Velma Cochran
232 Views · 3 years ago

"⁣Part 5 - Deceptive Agenda was due to be released at 10 pm on March 30, 2020. But all the constituent videos that were going to be shown included in this video (a total of 9, obtained with permission) were censored and shut down by the various hosting platforms at 7:30 pm last night. As a result, we have decided to post this explanation video instead, explaining what happened, why it happened, and how we're going to help you get the full Part 5, critical information that is intentionally being censored from you. Watch this video, follow the instructions to get access to watch the real Part 5 video, and then pass the information on and pay it forward. Our future and loved ones hang in the balance of what will happen in the next few weeks. PS - For those looking for the FB live stream replay, it was immediately taken down. A few thousand people were watching, but that was enough of a threat that the live stream video was deleted. What you will see in this video is the first 30 minutes of the live stream, which went on for almost 1.5 hours. You will be able to see this live stream replay as well since we recorded it. Instructions are the same for accessing Part 5.
May the Creator bless you, the United States, and all the inhabitants of this planet - Dr. R. Buttar.

Velma Cochran
104 Views · 3 years ago

"⁣⁣Unfortunately, the misinformation campaign has continued to be ramped up. It’s up to YOU to share this information with those you love. Pay it forward and get this information to all who want the facts and value the truth. Even the recent recommendations being made are full of intentional misinformation and errors. The VERY things that will help you are being promoted as things you should stay AWAY from!" - Dr. R Buttar

Velma Cochran
83 Views · 3 years ago

⁣"As mentioned in the last video, the level of toxicity in Wuhan was extraordinary, but in typical fashion, the “virus hunters” came out and shut out the “toxicity exposers”. What does the CDC do when faced with determining the cause of any multiple deaths from unusual causes? They send out 2 teams. The toxicology team and the infectious disease team. Where are the toxicology teams? But this is not the first or the 10th time the toxicity issue has been ignored or minimized. In fact, this seems to be the standard approach. Why? Because an industry or company can be held responsible for the resulting catastrophic issues, it may be responsible if it is identified as a toxicity issue. But with a virus or bacteria, no one can be held responsible. And so, a virus becomes the perfect scapegoat. Remember what they said about glyphosate (RoundUp)…that it was safe. The last jury award was $2 billion US dollars but was reduced by the judge to around $50 million. But the plaintiffs only asked for $1 billion. The public is getting tired of the BS being dumped on us and wants the truth. This video will dispel the myths and expose the truth about the science behind COVID-19 based on the published data. Part 3 covers the real history of COVID-19 and what you probably never knew. Neither did I, until I read the studies. Part 4 will be released in another 48 hours showing the last portion of the puzzle so that you will now have the complete picture. Unfortunately, the misinformation campaign, however, has continued to be ramped up. It’s up to you to share this information with those you love. Pay it forward and get this information to all who want the facts and value the truth. Even the recommendations being made are full of intentional misinformation and errors. The VERY things that will help you, are being promoted as things you should stay AWAY from! Part 5 and Part 6 will call these so-called expert doctors out! And will give you the real scoop of what you should be doing and what you should be on high alert for. The agenda may not be as obscure as one may imagine. Just remember that the coronavirus is a self-limiting virus first described in the literature in the 1960s." - Dr. R. Buttar

Velma Cochran
95 Views · 3 years ago

"⁣The dilemma created with the Covid-19 Virus breakout was fueled by lack of intellectual integrity within the mainstream media and inherent conflicts of interest in parties directly or indirectly involved. These included companies vested in looking for a scapegoat to divert attention from their responsibility, which becomes evident as more information becomes disclosed. Comparing the death toll from the covid-19 virus totaling right at 13,000 as of March 21, 2020, compared to the total number of deaths so far in 2020 throughout the world from all causes of mortality, now over 13 million, it becomes a wonder why are we suddenly concerned about 0.1% of the causes of death? Even more suspect is that the number of full recoveries, with most people only remaining ill for 48 hours, dwarfs the deaths but are not reported. Why? It makes one wonder what the real agenda is behind the massive rollout of restrictions and recommendation of self-isolation and social distancing. Well, the agenda may not be as obscure as one may imagine. You just have to follow the motive. Part 2 will cover the next component...stay tuned. If you find this information important, pay it forward and share it with others. The world needs the truth. This information is critical so that people become empowered with knowledge and, as a result, will no longer be victims. " Dr. R. Buttar

Stuart Thornber
42 Views · 3 years ago

Quantum Nurse (Grace Asagra) - Freedom International Interview with Dr. Carrie Madej

15 Views · 3 years ago

The way we sleep can sometimes cause psychological and physiological problems over a period of time. Sadhguru shares a few simple things that we can do to eliminate such things.

Stuart Thornber
11 Views · 3 years ago

Quantum Nurse & Freedom International Podcasters interview Dr. Andrew Kaufman & Dt Tom Cowen
- What We Know and What We Don't Know about this Epidemic

33 Views · 3 years ago

⁣Have you heard of intermittent? I.F. is one of the most simple forms of fasting. Today we're going to do a quick overview of the practice. The following videos in this series will begin breaking down each component of a successful intermittent fasting process.

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Learn EXACTLY how to lose weight and keep it off in the most natural way possible. Follow a step by step plan that will teach you how to heal some of the most debilitating diseases known using the body's natural resources, and turn your life around as you begin to restore your youthfulness. I will teach you the ABC's of fasting and all the benefits, start now!

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Stuart Thornber
37 Views · 3 years ago

Freedom International & The Quantum Nurse interviews Dr. Sherri TenPenny about Vaccines and Current Events - 30 years of experience with Vaccines

Torri Keith
17 Views · 3 years ago Elderpower, Elderberry Supplement

27 Views · 3 years ago

⁣Senator Ron Johnson, during his interview on The HighWire, put out a powerful call to all doctors, to be brave.

331 Views · 3 years ago

⁣This Is YOUR Opportunity To Be Part Of History...Now Is Your Chance To OwnThe 4th ANNUAL INTERNATIONALADVANCED MEDICINE CONFERENCEDigital Access!Here is what you get:

20 + hours of lectures (videos of the speakers giving their presentations)
- from the most renowned physicians, scientists and researchers from all corners of the world, with clear slides on the screen! You will see some of the most increadible information that most of the world has NEVER heard before. This is "critical information" impacting the entire inhabitants of the planet!

Over 2.5 hours of Questions & Answers with speakers, at the end of each day
- from the first 2 days of the 4th Annual Advanced Medicine Conference

Over 6 + hours of never before seen interviews on video
- Each speaker was interviewed after their respective lectures, giving unique and private insights from the lecturer's perspective

Almost 30 hours of mp3 audio files
- which you can listen to while remaining mobil on your smart phone, your car or even your laptop. These are the audios from the videos.

Full PDF transcripts of the entire conference
- All 20 lectures + Q&A's + Interviews in a text format you can print out or have on your smart device and read while you're on the go.

Full PDF of all lecturer's slide presentations for the entire conference
- All 20 lectures with all the slideds in full color in PDF format downloadable and viewable on your smart device. Over 1000 slides.

100% Money Back Guarantee
- for all purchasers, if you don't think this almost 30 hours of life changing video series is worth at least 3 times the cost you're paying, simply let us know and you'll be promptly refunded. Why are we willing to give an unconditional return policy? It's simple. We KNOW the value of what we're offering. And in the rare case of someone trying to take advantage of us, it's ok. KARMA is the great equalizer and always takes care of it all :)

Entry into a drawing to attend an 8 day and 7 night medical retreat
- all purchasers of the 4th Annual AMC digital downloads will be entered into a drawing to win 2 tickets for an entire week, with Dr. Buttar and another AMC Conference lecturer in a resort in Mexico, with all food, drinks, hotel accomadations, entertainment and even spa credit up to $1500 and transportation to and from the hotel covered (only flights to and from destination will not be covered). Will be drawn in October 2022.

Knowledge that you're supporting some incredible organizations.
- A portion of the proceeds from the sale of these Digital downloads will be used to support the Children's Health Defense Fund and ICANN.

Join the Advanced Medicine website

6 Views · 3 years ago

Vika's Essential Anti-Wrinkle Serum and Facial Wash. My link:<br />

13 Views · 3 years ago

⁣U.S Brig Niagara on Lake Erie from war of 1812 Battle of Lake Erie was won. We are in a battle for truth and freedom. --This documentary details the current world situation. Please watch:
⁣ **highlight, hold down on link, choose "look up"

12 Views · 3 years ago

Cleaning and getting the NFT system ready for the new plants.

Johnson Ault
7 Views · 3 years ago

⁣Here is where the crème de la crème in health awaits you. Want to enhance your sense of well-being improved sleep, concentration and focus? Wait no more Join and get so much more than what any membership offers.

Johnson Ault
2 Views · 3 years ago

⁣CBD Pain management is the end all be all of Pain Control for the 21st century- living in a pain-free society would be fantastic-realistic or not this will be as close as you will get to that reality.

Johnson Ault
4 Views · 3 years ago

⁣Pain management & Pain Control for the 21st century, imagine living in a pain-free society wouldn't that be fantastic-realistic or not this will be as close as you will get to that reality with Pure CBD it is the end all be all of pain.

Showing 7 out of 19