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68 Views · 2 years ago

Why I got into medicine.

Alexandra Oakley
66 Views · 2 years ago

update from the psych ward from the conspiracy theorist!

Maxine Witte
65 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Dr. Buttar's Warning

64 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Digital Securities that act like coins!
The race to develop a new, unique, reliable and regulated digital security with low
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64 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Farmers aren’t able to plant as many crops -- because fertilizer is scarce and expensive. This will cause FOOD SHORTAGES when stores run out of the food we have now. After all, food takes TIME to grow. When farmers don’t plant . . . 3 months later, We Don't Eat! Right now you can SAVE $250 on a 3-Month Food Kit from My Patriot Supply. Go To:
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Video Sources:
Censored.News And Banned.Video

63 Views · 2 years ago

The Truth about the COVID-19 Conspiracy !!!!!!

62 Views · 2 years ago

Dr Merritt explains why she got into medicine.

Ashlee Demko
62 Views · 2 years ago

Our cat tought that it is a good idea to hunt the chickens 😀

Velma Cochran
62 Views · 2 years ago

⁣"The level of toxicity in Wuhan was documented as far back as 2013 when people began complaining in Wuhan. Numerous reports of public outcry in 2015 culminated with BBC and CNN coverage of the mass protests in Wuhan due to the incinerator pollution garnering enough attention to gain the ear of the international community in 2016 and 2017. As recently as July 2019, more public demonstrations and clashes occurred between citizens and police due to social unrest because the level of incinerator pollution was growing unchecked. So the level of toxicity in this particular city was extraordinary but in a typical fashion, the “virus hunters” came out and shut out the “toxicity exposers” in the medical and scientific world. But this is not the first or the 10th time the toxicity issue has been ignored or minimized. This seems to be the standard approach. Why? Because an industry or company can be held responsible for the resulting catastrophic issues, it may be responsible if it is identified as a toxicity issue. But with a virus or bacteria, no one can be held responsible. And so, a virus becomes the perfect scapegoat. Even more suspect is that the number of full recoveries, with most people only remaining ill for 48 hours, dwarfs the deaths but are not reported. Why? It makes one wonder what the real agenda is behind the massive rollout of restrictions and recommendation of self-isolation and social distancing. Well, the agenda may not be as obscure as one may imagine. You just have to follow the motive. Part 3 will cover the real history of COVID-19 and what you probably never knew. Neither did I until I read the studies...stay tuned." - Dr. R Buttar

Lydia De Salis
61 Views · 2 years ago

Register Now To Join Our Crowdfunding Campaign! Capital at risk.
🇺🇸 Biden to Replace US Dollar?!
Kiyosaki's Powerful Income Strategy:

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Bruce Lipton - Biology of Belief - Part 1 of 2.
Bruce Lipton, is an American developmental biologist best known for promoting the idea that genes and DNA can be manipulated by a person’s beliefs.

00:00 Trailer.
02:15 Brian’s thoughts on the episode.
5:24 Brian’s introduction.
6:00 Bruce Lipton is turning conventional science thinking on its head.
08:02 Negative thinking is equally as powerful on the body as positive thinking.
09:51 Your DNA is not controlling your future.
11:40 Explanation of Epigenetics.
16:58 Realisation of environmental effect on stem cells and how this message is received by scientific world.
23:19 How pharmaceutical companies control discussion and research in the medical industry.
29:23 Fighting pharmaceutical companies hold on medicine by belief in the body’s ability to heal itself.
30:32 Stress causes nearly 90 per cent of visits to Doctors.
34:29 The importance of the first seven years of a child’s life.
45:31 How Bruce changed his life around.
48:56 Parenting by being aware of our sub-conscious behaviour.
56:21 Using meditation and psychedelics to access the subconscious mind.
1:04:11 “The Honeymoon Effect” the story of the conscious mind and how to keep the honeymoon alive.
1:11:13 The evolutionary paradigm, next step is to act together to create humanity after 6th mass extinction.
1:17:39 Bruce’s view of Donald Trump’s actions in getting rid of the corporations.
1:22:27 What Bruce discovered that he is now so in love with life.
1:28:13 Bruce’s mission for the future years.
1:30:07 Success secrets.
1:30:36 Does Bruce see technology good for humans or should we be frightened off it?
1:33:29 Why Bruce chooses to live where he does.
1:35:03 Phone call to the 20 year old Bruce Lipton.
1:40:11 Best advice he ever received.
1:42:01 Advice to young people watching who want to change their consciousness.
1:42:16 Brian’s summing up.

Show Notes:
Bruce Lipton website.
Bruce Lipton on YouTube
Bruce Lipton on Facebook
Bruce Lipton on Twitter
Bruce Lipton on Wikipedia

Bruce Lipton Books:
The Biology of Belief
The Honeymoon Effect
Spontaneous Evolution

Topics discussed:
Human Genome Project
The Biology of Belief lecture.
The Matrix
Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
Society of Jesus
Kent State shootings
Charlottesville Unite the Right rally
Donald Trump and the EPA

People mentioned in this episode:
Francis Crick
James Watson
Angelina Jolie
Robert Kiyosaki
Douglas Rushkoff
Kevin Kelly
Elon Musk
Charles Darwin
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
Alfred Russel Wallace


#LondonReal #Motivation

61 Views · 2 years ago

Pro physique competitor David Morin keeps you on your health and fitness grind.

Mike Montenegro
60 Views · 2 years ago

Del Bigtree answers your questions.

60 Views · 2 years ago

Dr. Bryan explains why he became a doctor and got into medicine.

59 Views · 2 years ago

Critical concepts of Hypoxia and Hypoxemia.

59 Views · 2 years ago

Dr Wakefield has some important advice to give to the generation.

Wilma Steward
58 Views · 2 years ago

⁣I Had A Lawsuit Against The United States

56 Views · 2 years ago

⁣The dilemma created with the Covid-19 Virus breakout was fueled by lack of intellectual integrity within the mainstream media and inherent conflicts of interest in parties directly or indirectly involved. These included companies vested in looking for a scape goat to divert attention from their responsibility, something which becomes evident as more of the information becomes disclosed. Comparing the death toll from the covid-19 virus totaling right at 13,000 as of March 21, 2020, compared to the total number of deaths so far in 2020 throughout the world from all causes of mortality, now over 13 million, it becomes a wonder why are we suddenly concerned about 0.1% of the causes of death? Even more suspect is that the numbers of full recoveries with most people only remaining ill for 48 hours dwarfs the deaths but are not being reported. Why? It makes one wonder what the real agenda is behind the massive rollout of restrictions and recommendation of self isolation and social distancing? Well, the agenda may not be as obscure as one may imagine. You just have to follow the motive. Part 2 will cover the next component...stay tuned. If you found this information to be important, pay it forward and share it with others. The world needs the truth. This information is critical so that people become empowered with knowledge and as a result, will no longer be victims.

⁣Create your FREE Advanced Medicine account and gain access to free health assessment tool valued at $2,600 at no cost: ⁣ Learn about the opportunity to join the International Association for a Disease-Free World (IADFW). Lifetime Access available for a limited time. JOIN NOW!

56 Views · 2 years ago

Aspire's new plant will reportedly produce 9000 metric tons of crickets every year for human and pet consumption. That's about two billion insects to be distributed annually across Canada and throughout the United States. Aspire also reports that it already has orders for the next two years.

56 Views · 2 years ago

October 4, 2021 Replay of Weekly Live Stream

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