Climbing Mt Whitney with an Ironman and Toddlers (Interview with Lyn Hanush)
We forgot to mention the book mom is offering for FREE. It's paperback, 366 pages, oversized, with lots of color pictures and drawings. We talk about it in the other hiking/walking videos, so go to the end of any of those to see it. You can contact me through my Pray Serve Go Facebook page in order to get the book. You don’t have to join, but you may if you want. The book is free for those in the US; we just ask that you pay the $8.95 shipping. You may also make an optional donation to Mom’s future prayer walks if you’d like.
Ironman Competition in Hawaii:
Hulda Crooks:
Thanks for watching!
Lyn Hanush and Alyce-Kay Ruckelshaus
Albuquerque, NM and Sweetwater, TN, USA
#MtWhitney #PrayServeGo #isaiahcadre