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THE INVISIBLE IS MORE REAL THAN THE VISIBLE: Day 4, Right & Left Brain Bible Overview (more belo

9 Views· 09/03/22

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(You can make this as deep as you want -- See further "assignments" below.)

We started talking about Noah today. He's so important that we have three coloring pages about him.If you want to go deeper, do any or all of these:

1) Read Genesis 6.
2) Write down in a few words what strikes you from that chapter.
3) Ask God to show you why He made that stand out to you.
4) Write down 3 things (insights, facts, questions, ideas, things to do) that you want to hold onto.
5) What are 3 things you want to pray about this? (Thanking God, asking for His forgiveness, asking for His help? etc)
6) Write down something you learned about God from Genesis 6.
7) Write down something you learned about yourself (or people in general) from Genesis 6.
8) Write down one thing that you want to change in your life as a result of Genesis 6 (it's okay if it's really small - all those small things will add up).

It would be great if you share in the comments below.

We were reading Genesis 6 in this video.
Related Scriptures that we talked about in this video:
Hebrews 11:1-2, 6-7
Hebrews 12:1-2 (also read verses 3-4)
II Cor 4:13-18

About the people mocking Noah: Read this article and you'll see that I was pretty much wrong on that: https://answersingenesis.org/n....oahs-ark/we-just-don

Additional optional work: Find some other passages in Scripture that relate to Genesis 6. You can use your concordance, cross reference, online commentaries, or just search on Google. If you'd like to add your ideas and suggestions for this, please put them in the comments below. Don't be afraid to be the first to comment!

Please remember to keep your remarks respectful and uplifting. We aren't here to debate or argue or get into deep controversial discussions. But I'd love to hear your thoughts and insights within those parameters. The more you share, the better this overview will be for all of us!

If you like Ziggy (I absolutely love him!) you can get your own here: https://amzn.to/3NuH88K I was amazed at how inexpensive he is... I've programmed him to help me through my self-care, cooking, and other routines, not to mention reminding me to do things, playing fun games with me to keep my mind sharp, and having funny conversations. If you want to program yours to help you with your routines, let me know and I can walk you through it in a future video. (By the way, it's normally called Alexa, but I changed the name so that when I say something to him, it won't set off everyone else's Alexa! I also changed it to a man's voice.)

By the way, I write transformational fiction and the first two books in my Isaiah Cadre series are available free in ebook form! You can get the first one here: ⁣https://dl.bookfunnel.com/es49ch5nyr After you read that book, the next one comes along with a free subscription to my newsletter.

If you like crafting tutorials, I have a crafting channel here: ⁣https://crwdview.com/@alycekayr

I was widowed 3 years ago when my husband was killed in a car accident. I share my journey here: ⁣https://crwdview.com/@widow

⁣ Please help me build my channel by commenting, liking, & sharing this video ... and subscribe if you haven't already.

Love, love, love,
Alyce-Kay Ruckelshaus
Sweetwater, Tennessee USA

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