This is the final ten days of a longer project, but stands well on its own, as we talked about emptying ourselves in preparation for the Day of Pentecost. In this series, we prepare to recommit ourselves to the filling of the Holy Spirit. In order to be filled, we must first be emptied. In this chat, I'm going to share very candidly the expectations I'm emptying myself of.
Here are the neutral colored gel highlighters ("adult crayons"):
Here are the other (brighter) highlighters that I'm using:
And the newer gel crayons that I showed recently, but am not yet using:
I have another study which involves much more coloring and this is the book we're using for it: Yep, this will be for adults. We'll talk about the Bible stories, how they relate to other parts of the Bible and how they can help you live your life in Christ! Since we're using both sides of the brain, I call it Right Brain/Left Brain Bible overview.
We're also doing a Bible study guide that goes with my novel, Now It Will Spring Forth. You can get the FREE e-book version of the novel here: (And if you like the book, you'll be able to get the sequel free, too.) If you prefer a paperback copy, that's here: The workbook for the study can be found here: or feel free to just write in your notebook or journal.
Please hit the thumbs up so CrwdView will show this to more people. Click on “Subscribe”so you'll get notified when there is a new video.
Love and Blessings to all of you,
Sweetwater, Tennessee, USA
We're into our second day in our new series -- a Bible overview, using the right and left sides of our brain. Yes, we're coloring (using the right side of our brains) while we talk about (using the left side of our brains) the Bible story, how it relates to other parts of Scripture, and how it relates to our lives and our world. The Bible stories are important for us so that we can understand the rest of the Bible and know how to live our lives for Christ. I had Alexa's help keeping this shorter. Tell me what you think about doing it this way. (Be careful not to hurt Alexa's feelings, please.)
Your assignment (either/or):
1) Find at least one other passage in Scripture that relates in some way to Genesis 2. Feel free to Google, use a concordance, a cross reference Bible, or anything else. You can even ask someone for help.
2) Write down how you're going to apply something from Genesis 2 to your life.
It would be great if you share in the comments below!
We were reading Genesis 2 in this video.
Related Scriptures that we talked about in this video:
Exodus 20:8-11
Ephesians 5:21-33
Here's the quote I was talking about, attributed to Matthew Henry (the Bible commentator from the 17th century), but the article I found it in said that it originated with St Augustine: "The woman was made of a rib out of the side of Adam; not made out of his head to rule over him, nor out of his feet to be trampled upon by him, but out of his side to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected, and near his heart to be beloved."
I started talking about interterm, but didn't finish my story -- it was about Sabbath. I'll try to remember to share about that next time. Sorry. Easily distracted these days.
The book I mentioned at that time, though, is here:
What are some of the things that you've noticed in the story of how God created mankind in Genesis 2?
What sticks out to YOU?
What do you want to hold onto?
What are you doing to do about it?
What are you going to pray about?
Do you have any insights that you want to share?
Please remember to keep your remarks respectful and uplifting. We aren't here to debate or argue or get into deep controversial discussions. But I'd love to hear your thoughts and insights within those parameters. The more you share, the better this overview will be for all of us!
If you like Alexa (I absolutely love her!) you can get your own here: I was amazed at how inexpensive she is. I've programmed her to help me through my self-care, cooking, and other routines. If you want to do something similar, let me know and I can walk you through it on a future video.
For a review of the Bible I'm using: You can find it here: They have it in the English Standard Version (ESV) or the New American Standard Bible (NASB) in a variety of covers.
This is the book that we're using:
You can use the gel crayons I use, or colored pencils, markers, regular crayons, whatever ...
Here are the neutral colored gel highlighters ("adult crayons"):
Here are the other highlighters that I'm using:
And the newer (brighter) gel crayons:
In a separate series, we're using a Bible study guide that goes with my novel, Now It Will Spring Forth. You can get the FREE e-book version of the novel here: (And if you like the book, you'll be able to get the sequel free, too.) If you prefer a paperback copy, that's here: The workbook for the study can be found here: or feel free to just write in your notebook or journal.
Love and Blessings to all of you,
Sweetwater, Tennessee, USA
Please note that if you use any of my amazon links, I may receive a small referral fee. This does not affect what you pay and it's only a small amount, but it sure adds up. At this point, it's paying for about one day's meals, so you're really helping me out. I appreciate your support!
Shoulders of Giants
This channel presents original commentary across a variety of subjects (health, finance, politics, etc.) as expressed by thought leaders who seek to freely disseminate their knowledge via any and all platforms across the globe in their efforts to elevate both the human condition and human consciousness. The source from which each video was first webcast is displayed within each video, and all viewers are heartily encouraged to follow these experts for deeper insights.
Did you Make This Mistake This Morning?Can One Decision Shape the Rest of Your Day? – Matthew Kelly – 60 Second WisdomGet Matthew’s 60 Second Wisdom delivered to your inbox: Transcript:“The alarm clock goes off. It’s time to get out of bed. This is your first decision of the day. Will you get out of bed or hit the snooze button? You press the snooze button and roll over. What just happened? No big deal, right? Wrong. You just lost the first battle of the day. Resistance just kicked your butt. Resistance has broken your will before you’ve even gotten out of bed. You will most likely be its slave for the rest of the day. What is resistance? It’s that sluggish feeling of not wanting to do something that you know is good for you, it’s the inclination to do something that you unabashedly know is not good for you, and it’s everything in between. It’s the desire and tendency to delay something you should be doing right now. Don’t be a slave to resistance. Start by slaying it in that first moment of each day. And remember, don’t just be yourself, become the best version of yourself!”If you have not read LIFE IS MESSY, order your copy today: Subscribe to Matthew’s YouTube Channel today! Matthew’s 60 Second Wisdom delivered to your inbox: The Best Version of Yourself and 60 Second Wisdom are registered trademarks.#MatthewKelly #BestVersionOfYourself #60SecondWisdom #BestVersion
Shoulders of Giants
This channel presents original commentary across a variety of subjects (health, finance, politics, etc.) as expressed by thought leaders who seek to freely disseminate their knowledge via any and all platforms across the globe in their efforts to elevate both the human condition and human consciousness. The source from which each video was first webcast is displayed within each video, and all viewers are heartily encouraged to follow these experts for deeper insights.
If you feel like something is missing… or there must be more to life… or you have so much more to offer… or if you feel undervalued and unappreciated… you have come to the right place.This is a place of potential and amazing possibilities, it is a place of fresh starts and new beginnings, and I am excited you have stopped by.My name is Matthew Kelly. I am a New York Times bestselling author with more than 30 books that have sold more than 50 million copies. I have spent the past 30 years on the road, traveling in more than 50 countries, and speaking to millions of people.But that’s just numbers. Wherever I go, whomever I am speaking with, one thing has always struck me: people are starving for meaning.People everywhere want to rediscover their hopes and dreams. People everywhere want to live with passion and purpose. People everywhere want to become the-best-version-of-themselves.That’s why I set out from my home in Sydney, Australia when I was just 19 years old. I left business school to pursue writing and speaking, with the dream of helping as many people as possible experience the intense joy that comes from living every day with passion and purpose.Now I am releasing new videos every day here on YouTube, so that you, and millions like you, can discover the joy of living with passion and purpose.I hope this content will encourage you and challenge you, but I also hope that you will partner with me to share this much needed message far and wide with everyone in your circle of influence.People are drowning in fear, anger, outrage, stress, distrust, heartbreak, depression, anxiety, grief, loneliness, hopelessness, and sheer exhaustion. Let’s help them. Together. You and me. I can’t do it without you. I can make the videos, but you know the people who need them the most. So don’t just be a consumer of these videos. Get involved. Pass them on. Subscribe. And join the conversation. Comment on the videos. I love hearing what people have to say. If you agree with something, say so. If you disagree, tell me why. It helps me grow and become a-better-version-of-myself.I’ve had an amazing life, but I have to say, I have had so much fun making these videos and seeing people respond to them and share them. So, thank for the honor of serving you. It is a privilege.Now let’s get started, and remember, don’t just be yourself… become the-best-version-of-yourself. Get Matthew’s 60 Second Wisdom delivered to your inbox: you have not read LIFE IS MESSY, order your copy today: https://www.matthewkelly.comThe Best Version of Yourself and 60 Second Wisdom are registered trademarks. #ThoughtLeader
Despite humanity’s technological developments and will to progress, we’re still utterly dependent on nature. Human effort has its limitations and is always in conjunction with nature. We cannot grow a plant, for example, completely isolated from natural growth, even though we can influence and manipulate it.The reputed author of the Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu, stated that the world governs itself. It doesn’t need our intervention. As Lao Tzu wrote: “When you arrive at non-action, nothing will be left undone.” End quote. This idea resembles the basic understanding of the paradoxical concept “wu-wei.” But when we look for a definition of wu-wei, we quickly discover that there isn’t one fixed meaning.Some translate wu-wei as “non-action,” or “doing nothing,” others as “actionless action,” and others as “effortless action.”We find out that Taoism offers several layers, if you will, regarding how wu-wei can enhance our relationship with the world. And how this ancient art of “letting things happen” doesn’t necessarily make us passive, ignorant bystanders but can actually improve how we act, leading to better outcomes.
✅Experience rapid transformational therapy and awaken your most unshakeable self with this FREE masterclass. Click here now:👉
How to overcome anxiety and create certainty in your life.
In this video, Marisa Peer breaks down human behaviour and shares insights on how to overcome fear, how to overcome anxiety, and how to regain control in uncertain times. Finding certainty is important now more than ever with everything that’s going on in the world. Marisa shares tips on positive self talk and how to talk about yourself in order to bring a sense of calm in your life. In addition, she demonstrates the various exercises and movements you can do to reduce anxiety in any situation.
Discover the power of positivity and how to overcome anxiety by watching this video now.
Video Timestamps:
00:00 Introduction
02:13 The two things that determine your mental health
03:42 How to give yourself certainty
05:23 Positive talk and affirmations
08:23 How to embrace change
14:55 The mind is gullible: Lemon experiment
17:10 How to cope with anxiety
23:13 The law of control
26:03 15 minute meditation exercise
About Marisa Peer:
✅Marisa Peer, named the “Best British Therapist” by Tatler and Men’s Health magazines, has spent nearly 30 years working with an extensive client list including royalty, Hollywood actors, Olympic athletes, CEOs, and political leaders.
✅As a hands-on therapist to her clients, Marisa uses Rapid Transformational Therapy (trademarked) to unlock the brain’s neuroplasticity and help her clients literally rewrite their brains for performance, overcoming challenges, and capacity for improved self-esteem, greater joy, and complete freedom. In her work with champion athletes, stars, and the world’s top business leaders, she has noticed a recurring theme of maximizing their success – the benefit of activating the mind’s neuroplasticity— to virtually remove all limits and open the door to the lives they want in health, wealth, love, and more.
✅Marisa also lectures, writes columns and appears on television and radio all over the world. She’s written four bestselling books, highlighting the wonders of transformational hypnotherapy in varying fields such as losing weight, getting pregnant, gaining confidence and staying young.
About the masterclass: “Instant Transformational Hypnotherapy”
What You’ll Learn:
Experience a LIVE 20-minute Rapid Transformational Therapy Session with Marisa Peer - Designed to reveal your limiting thought patterns, and reprogram you for heightened career performance, better relationships, increased self-esteem and more (this is the same technique Marisa uses with her private clients to trigger instant and deep neurological transformation).
Feel the Deep Inner Transformation The Moment You Awaken Tomorrow - You’ll gain an instant shift in your beliefs – meaning you’ll start perceiving and processing your life in empowering new ways. Marisa is known for healing patients with ONE session rather than making them come back over and over again (NOTE: we can’t guarantee how long this shift will last. But for many people, it leaves them permanently seeing themselves and their lives in a whole new light).
Discover the 8 Beliefs that Separate the Top Performers from Everyone Else - This is how record-breaking Olympians, high-flying entrepreneurs and award-winning artists think and show up – and you’ll be surprised at how easily you too can apply these thought models to your daily life, and dramatically enhance your productivity, focus, and tenacity.
Lead an Uncompromised Life Despite the Chaos Around You - Lead a life where you enjoy success, abundance and freedom without having to wait for years… and why your total breakthrough in all areas of life is just eight transformations away.
Understand the REAL key to breakthrough in any — ANY — area of your life… This makes changing your results and transforming your life as easy as changing outfits. Clue: It has to do with removing voids that we take within ourselves as children (mostly due to suppression of love).
FREE masterclass: Experience rapid transformational therapy and awaken your most unshakeable self with this 100% FREE masterclass. Click here now:👉
#iamenough #marisapeer #subscribe
Sometimes we need to heal our past wounds so that we can create a better reality for ourselves.
There are times when we all need a little cheerleading, and just a few powerful words can help us move on from the doubts that hold us back.
In this talk from Mindvalley University in Pula, Croatia 2019, Marisa Peer teaches us how to heal our body and mind through her powerful healing hypnosis.
Watch Marisa's FREE Masterclass here 👉
Into personal growth? Experience Mindvalley Live Los Angeles 2020 and immerse yourself in the BEST transformational education, live, with some of the world’s most revered personal development coaches. Mindvalley Live is an event like no other - as well as enjoying 15 transformational talks and workshops, you’ll be sharing your weekend alongside a 1000-strong, like-minded community of people just like you - all dedicated to personal growth and connection! Join your tribe and check out Mindvalley Live 2020 today for more information 👉
#SelfHypnosis #AnxietyRelief #MarisaPeer
Changing your life starts with changing your mindset. If you're not sure where to start, watch this video where I explain how your brain is programmed to understand you. Once you know the secrets to communicating better with your mind, you can start to make powerful shifts in your thinking. Your thoughts translate to empowered actions, and those actions create momentum and success in all areas of your life. When will you begin your transformation journey?
Learn more about the power of the mind by training with Marisa as an RTT®️ therapist. Watch the free masterclass here ⏯️
● Subscribe to my channel for more life-changing videos:
Marisa Peer is the author of 'I Am Enough' and creator of Rapid Transformational Therapy®️(RTT). Marisa Peer is an English best-selling author, nutritionist, relationship therapist, hypnotherapist trainer, and motivational speaker. She is using hypnosis for anxiety, weight loss, addiction, and overcoming fear.
She has spent over 30 years working with people including royalty, rock stars, actors, professional and Olympic athletes, CEOs and media personalities and has developed her own style that is frequently referred to as "life-changing."
If you would like to train to become an RTT®️ therapist, click the link -
● Marisa Peer Playlists:
➢ Learn how you can train in RTT:
➢ Money and Success:
➢ Be Confident and Believe ‘I Am Enough’ :
➢ Marisa’s Most Loved Videos:
● Step into your best life by taking Marisa’s FREE Mini Series:
➢ Self Esteem Mini Series:
➢ Relationship With Money Mini Series:
#marisapeer #success #health
As we grow up, a lot of us go through life learning the belief that things like abundance and success are not easily available to us...and over time as we reaffirm this belief over and over, it can become the ultimate block standing in between your abundance and success.
In this talk from Mindvalley Live Los Angeles 2019, the Best British therapist as named by Tatler and Men’s Health magazines: Marisa Peer reveals how these limiting beliefs get put in our minds from young and takes you through hypnosis to help you overcome them.
Learn even more about how to instantly reprogram your mind for abundance with Marisa’s world-famous hypnotherapy technique in her FREE masterclass here 👉
Into personal growth? Experience Mindvalley Live Los Angeles 2020 and immerse yourself in the BEST transformational education, live, with some of the world’s most revered personal development coaches. Mindvalley Live is an event like no other - as well as enjoying 15 transformational talks and workshops, you’ll be sharing your weekend alongside a 1000-strong, like-minded community of people just like you - all dedicated to personal growth and connection! Join your tribe and check out Mindvalley Live 2020 today for more information 👉
I've mentioned in some of my videos that you can use your fingers instead of a rosary to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. I have a video where I say the Chaplet without explanation, but slowly enough for you to follow, along with the various parts written out on cards so you can read along:
Scott Hahn's book, Rome Sweet Home:
The group I pray with on the radio, led by Drew Mariani of Relevant Radio:
A very helpful site about the Chaplet of Divine Mercy:
A documentary about the Chaplet of Divine Mercy (trailer -- You can find the movie on Amazon Prime):
By the way, I write transformational fiction and the first two books in my Isaiah Cadre series are available free in ebook form! You can get the first one here: After you read that book, the next one comes along with a free subscription to my newsletter.
If you'd like to join me for Bible study, prayer, and inspiration, check out the rest of this channel.
Love, love, love,
Alyce-Kay Ruckelshaus
Sweetwater, Tennessee USA
#chaplet #divine #mercy
This 14 year old freshman girl is asked to sing the national anthem on the spur of the moment before starting her volleyball game. Uncertain, she hits 'record' on the phone, takes the mic and sings. Listen to it closely...this girl really gets it. Hope for future generations.🇺🇸
This video introduces Lesson 3 in the series.
Scriptures referenced in this video:• Eph. 4:11-17• Acts 17:11
To buy Kingdom Now:
To get the first book in my Isaiah Cadre series FREE: My
Check out my Pursuing Passion series, here on CrwdView. Maybe you'd like to share your passion with others. Send me some info and we can check out the possibility of having you come along for an interview.
Pat's Website: up for Pat’s newsletter mailing list:
Please help me build my channel by commenting, liking, & sharing this video ... and subscribe if you haven't already.
Alyce-Kay Ruckelshaus
Sweetwater, Tennessee, USA
Dr Rashid Buttar leads a collective meditation for 11 minutes with several hundered people Tuesday evenings. This healing energy is powerful when many pray together. "When one or more gather in his name, there is love"... Think of the force of all healing and goodness we can creeate if over 3,000 people were praying in unison for 11 min. Please join us Tuesday night, 9pm EST. register at
Are you craving to live an abundant life?
Watch here as I share six hacks that will help you enrich your life that you can start to apply today.
Join my '21-Day Abundance Challenge' here, and step into a full life of abundance:
● Subscribe to my channel for more life-changing videos:
An internationally award-winning qualified hypnotherapist with advanced certificates in hypnotherapy from the Hypnotism Training Institute of Los Angeles. Marisa has completed additional studies in hypno-healing, advanced hypnotherapy, medical hypnotherapy, and Gestalt analysis.
Having undertaken further studies at the Proudfoot School of Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy and the Atkinson Ball College of Hypnotherapy, Marisa has dedicated the last three decades to researching, testing, and applying the most beneficial principles of hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, NLP, CBT, and neuroscience.
The result of over 30 years of careful and rigorous study, Marisa’s unique Rapid Transformational Therapy®️ (RTT®️) has helped tens of thousands of people worldwide to overcome their own personal challenges and lead happier, more fulfilling lives.
● If you would like to train to become an RTT®️therapist, click the link -
● Marisa Peer Playlists:
➢ Be Confident and Believe ‘I Am Enough’:
➢ Health and Weight Loss:
➢ Money and Success:
➢ Love and Sex:
● Step into your best life by taking Marisa’s FREE Mini-Series:
➢ Self Esteem Mini-Series:
➢ Relationship With Money Mini-Series:
➢ Health and Weight Mini-Series:
➢ Healthy Relationships Mini-Series:
Special thanks to Marisa and Team.
Support Marisa here:
Mulligan brothers merchandise-
Filmed by Jordan Mulligan
Interview by- Jordan Mulligan
Editor- Yusuf
Producer - Merci Szinnay
Filmed By the Mulligan brothers -
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If you are struggling, consider an online therapy session with our partner BetterHelp:
This video is sponsored by BetterHelp.
Neuroscientist and meditation expert Dr. Joe Dispenza explains how to reprogram your mind. Get his book Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself here:
Get any FREE audiobook of your choice here:
If you want a suggestion for the free audiobook or for reading a book, here's FightMediocrity beginner's reading list:
1. Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki:
2. The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss:
3. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie:
4. The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene:
5. The Way of the Superior Man by David Deida:
6. Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl:
7. Mastery by George Leonard:
8. Mindfulness for Beginners by Jon Kabat-Zinn:
9. The Obstacle is the Way by Ryan Holiday:
The links above are affiliate links which helps us provide more great content for free.
"You having wealth does not take away from others having wealth."- Marisa Peer. Money has often been described as the root of all evils but are we looking at money and having abundance the wrong way?
Attend a rapid transformational therapy session to bring you abundance in wealth, health and love with Marisa Peer's FREE masterclass here👉
Into personal growth? Experience Mindvalley Live Los Angeles 2020 and immerse yourself in the BEST transformational education, live, with some of the world’s most revered personal development coaches. Mindvalley Live is an event like no other - as well as enjoying 15 transformational talks and workshops, you’ll be sharing your weekend alongside a 1000-strong, like-minded community of people just like you - all dedicated to personal growth and connection! Join your tribe and check out Mindvalley Live 2020 today for more information 👉
#Subscribe #MarisaPeer #AbundanceMeditation
Do you need help with how to deal with depression? Say goodbye to depression and learn how to be happy in Marisa Peer’s FREE masterclass
Today Marisa Peer reveals three things you need to know on how to overcome depression. She has worked with many international celebrities who are very successful. However, one celebrity she worked with who seemed to have it all, struggled with depression.
In this Awesomeness Fest presentation, Marisa informs us that even though this celebrity appeared to be successful, his struggles were not due to his depression. It was his lack of self-confidence that made him depressed. She told him to say the following affirmation to himself every day, “I am enough.”
The next time she saw him, he told her that he was completely content and no longer suffering from depression. It was all because of that one line that she told him to repeat, “I am enough.” Marisa lives by this affirmation. Even her own daughter recites it every day and has become a well-known artist. She claims when you believe you are enough, you beat depression and start building your self confidence.
In this self confidence motivational video, Marisa Peer explains effective ways on how to get rid of fear and focus on your very own self development.
01:01 Three things that you need to know about your brain in order to achieve anything
02:41 Story of a Celebrity that Marisa consulted
12:13 Story of Marisa’s Daughter
20:43 What your mind listens to
25:45 Make Praise familiar and make Criticism unfamiliar
33:20 How to trick your brain in different situation
37:32 Story of getting rid of the fear of flights of a person by tricking her brain
40:42 Recap of the Lessons
Not only does Marisa Peer offer advice on how to develop the skill of self-confidence, but her experience as a therapist, has helped thousands of people overcome traumatic experiences.
Now it’s your turn to turn your life around. Want to beat depression head on? You can do it!
Focus on your personal growth and learn how to be happy in Marisa Peer’s FREE masterclass
Marisa Peer is a best-selling author, motivational speaker and celebrity therapist who coaches people on personal growth. She was voted Best Speaker at Awesomeness Fest.
#Subscribe #MarisaPeer #HowToBeHappy
In just 20 minutes you can reset your day in a positive way. Welcome to this new meditate with Marisa Peer series.
There will be no ads shown throughout this meditation to ensure an uninterrupted experience
As a thank you for watching my videos, please download one of my FREE audio gifts here:
● Subscribe to my channel for more life-changing videos:
Marisa Peer is the author of 'I Am Enough' and creator of Rapid Transformational Therapy®️(RTT). Marisa Peer is an English best-selling author, nutritionist, relationship therapist, hypnotherapist trainer, and motivational speaker. She is using hypnosis for anxiety, weight loss, addiction, and overcoming fear.
She has spent over 30 years working with people including royalty, rock stars, actors, professional and Olympic athletes, CEOs and media personalities and has developed her own style that is frequently referred to as "life-changing."
If you would like to train to become an RTT®️ therapist, click the link -
● Marisa Peer Playlists:
➢ Be Confident and Believe ‘I Am Enough’ :
➢ Marisa’s Most Loved Videos:
➢ Meditate with Marisa:
➢ Health and Weight Loss:
● Step into your best life by taking Marisa’s FREE Mini Series:
➢ Self Esteem Mini Series:
➢ Health and Weight Mini Series:
Music used: Summit by Jonny Easton:
Check out his channel
#hypnosis #marisapeerhypnosis #marisapeeriamenough #iamenough #marisapeer