
8 Views · 2 years ago

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➨ How to make invisible stuff visible and real? -

➨ This is how you ask for money without resistance. -

➨ Hear this if you feel exhausted from trying to manifest. -

➨ How to Bring New things into your reality. -

➨ You can manifest things faster by this simple process. -

➨Knowing this you can leave your sucky job now! -

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11 Views · 2 years ago

🖥️ Our Website:
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📺 More on our channel:

➨ How to make invisible stuff visible and real? -

➨ This is how you ask for money without resistance. -

➨ Hear this if you feel exhausted from trying to manifest. -

➨ How to Bring New things into your reality. -

➨ You can manifest things faster by this simple process. -

➨Knowing this you can leave your sucky job now! -

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© Channel " Beyond Belief" is licensee owner of the commercial rights to the animated video footage on this channel. These rights are not further transferable, and are governed by the GoAnimate, Inc. (operator of the Vyond Platform and the Vyond website located at Terms of Use located at

© All Abraham-Hicks materials, recordings and Workshops are copyrighted by Esther Hicks and may not be shared or re-broadcast without permission.

Public material upload coordinated with: | 1-830-755-2299

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4 Views · 2 years ago

Today, we're starting a new series -- a Bible overview, using the right and left sides of our brain. Yes, we're coloring (using the right side of our brains) while we talk about (using the left side of our brains) the Bible story, how it relates to other parts of Scripture, and how it relates to our lives and our world. The Bible stories are important for us so that we can understand the rest of the Bible and know how to live our lives for Christ. This one was a bit long. I may go ahead and do some of the coloring ahead of time or something so that it's not so long in the future. Tell me what you think. We were reading Genesis 1 in this video.

Related Scriptures to look at:
I Corinthians 14:40
Genesis 11
Psalm 19
John 1:1-16
Proverbs 12:10
Isaiah 55:11
Hebrews 4:12

What are some of the things that you've noticed in the Creation Story in Genesis 1? What sticks out to YOU? What do you want to hold onto? What are you doing to do about it? What are you going to pray about? Do you have any insights that you want to share?

Please remember to keep your remarks respectful and uplifting. We aren't here to debate or argue or get into deep controversial discussions. But I'd love to hear your thoughts and insights within those parameters. The more you share, the better this overview will be for all of us!

This is the book that we're using:

You can use the gel crayons I use, or colored pencils, markers, regular crayons, whatever ...

Here are the neutral colored gel highlighters ("adult crayons"):
Here are the other highlighters that I'm using:
And the newer (brighter) gel crayons:

I'm also doing a Bible study guide that goes with my novel, Now It Will Spring Forth. You can get the e-book version of the novel here: (And if you like the book, you'll be able to get the sequel free, too.) If you prefer a paperback copy, that's here: The workbook for the study can be found here: or feel free to just write in your notebook or journal.

After you read that book, the next one comes free along with a free subscription to my newsletter.

Please hit the thumbs up, click on “Subscribe” so you'll get notified when there is a new video.

Please note that if you use any of my amazon links, I may receive a small referral fee. This does not affect what you pay and it's only a small amount, but it sure adds up. At this point, it's paying for about one day's meals, so you're really helping me out. I appreciate your support!

Love and Blessings to all of you,
Sweetwater, Tennessee, USA

#Christian #Bible #Catholic

2 Views · 2 years ago

⁣(I'm sorry about the way the camera was in this one. It's better in the subsequent videos.) This is the final ten days of a longer project, but stands well on its own, as we talked about emptying ourselves in preparation for the Day of Pentecost. In this series, we prepare to recommit ourselves to the filling of the Holy Spirit. In order to be filled, we must first be emptied. In this chat, I'm going to share very candidly the expectations I'm emptying myself of. (This cuts off slightly at the end ... but I was basically done, so you're not missing anything.)

Here's a beautiful novena to pray during Pentecost. A novena is 9 days of prayer. They'll post a new prayer each day.

My French coffee press (that I use for tea):

Here are the neutral colored gel highlighters ("adult crayons"):

Here are the other (brighter) highlighters that I'm using:

And the newer gel crayons that I showed recently, but am not yet using: book we're going to use after this:

Yep, our next series will be for adults, even though we're using a coloring book. We'll talk about the Bible stories, how they relate to other parts of the Bible and how they can help you live your life in Christ! You can look for the series here on CrwdView, called Right and Left Brain Bible Overview.

I write transformational fiction and the first book in my Isaiah Cadre series is available free in ebook form! You can get that here: After you read that book, the next one comes free along with a free subscription to my newsletter. If you'd rather read a paperback, the first book in the series is here:

Love and Blessings to all of you,
Sweetwater, Tennessee, USA

4 Views · 2 years ago

You've probably heard me making the sign of the cross if you pray the chaplet with me (or with anyone else, for that matter). The sign of the cross is used in so many areas of life! As I've incorporated this ritual into my life, it's actually changed me. Let me tell you what it means to me as a Protestant, how Catholics use it, how I've made it part of my life, and why it's become so meaningful to me. Then consider for yourself whether God would have you make this ancient Christian ritual a part of your own life.

Btw, about 6 months after making this video, I became Catholic, but when I made this video, I was still a Protestant.

Here's the video I made for you to pray the Chaplet along with me. I've written the chaplet up on cards, so you can easily follow along. I also show the beads so you know where you should be on the rosary when you pray this. ⁣ I hope you'll pray along with me.

One more thing that I found after recording this: Often, Catholic parents will make the sign of the cross on their children's foreheads before bed or going someplace away from the parents. What a lovely way of reminding them -- and us, as parents -- that they belong to God!

By the way, I write transformational fiction and the first two books in my Isaiah Cadre series are available free in ebook form! You can get the first one here: ⁣ After you read that book, the next one comes along with a free subscription to my newsletter.

If you'd like to join me for Bible study, prayer, and inspiration, I have another CrwdView channel: ⁣

Love, love, love,
Alyce-Kay Ruckelshaus
Sweetwater, Tennessee USA

#chaplet #divine #mercy

1 Views · 2 years ago

If you're new to the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, I think you'll find this very helpful. In this video, I demonstrate the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and say it slowly enough for you to follow. I don't give any explanation in this video so that you can use it over and over for your daily prayers. I'll have explanatory videos in the future, from the viewpoint of a Protestant. The first video (well, second if you include this one) in that series is here: ⁣

My personal experience with the Chaplet of Divine Mercy began after the death of my husband in a car crash a little over a year ago. This quickly became one of my lifelines and continues to help me get through this difficult time. At the time of this recording, I started almost every day with it ... often at 4:30 a.m. before I started teaching online. I mention the time only to demonstrate how important this has become to me, worth getting up a little earlier to do ... and I hope that it will become that important to you as well.

The Chaplet takes about 10 minutes if you go straight through it, as I do here. I often dedicate each decade to a different prayer request (or intention, in Catholic terms). (A decade is one of the groups of ten beads.) Note that if you're Protestant and uncomfortable with the single Hail Mary recited during this prayer, you might substitute "Come, Holy Spirit" at that time or even pray in the Spirit. I'll explain in depth in a later video why I believe the Hail Mary is a great prayer to recite, but spoiler: You're not "praying" to Mary in the sense of praying to God. It's heresy to worship Mary or anyone who isn't God. According to the dictionary, "to pray" is to ask, beseech, request. You are asking Mary to intercede for you. Again, we'll talk about this more in a later video.

Since you can't see me cross myself (at the beginning and end of the Chaplet): With your hand, finger, or crucifix, touch your forehead ("In the name of the Father"), then your chest ("and of the Son"), your left shoulder ("and of the Holy Spirit"), and then your right shoulder ("Amen").

Also note that, while I have "leader" and "response" in my written text cards for praying with someone else (or even if you want to use my recording as a leader and do the responses yourself), if you're praying alone, you can say all the parts. There's something very powerful and special, though, about praying with someone else, even a recording. I'd love it if you let me know if you use my recording that way. As a widow, it would mean a lot to know that there are others praying with me.

If you don't have a rosary, God gave you the perfect tool: your fingers! Your ten fingers will help you count a decade. When I'm without a rosary, I move my wedding ring along the fingers of one hand to keep track of the five decades.

If you'd like to have a rosary, this is my favorite and quite inexpensive: The hematite feels wonderful! Do a little research about hematite and it will be even more meaningful. (Hint: "hema" means "blood".)

Oh and the Chaplet is one of the motifs in my novel "To Love Mercy," fifth in the Isaiah Cadre series. You can get it here: ⁣ ⁣ A hematite rosary is also part of the story.

For a FREE copy of the first book in the series:

I do hope this is helpful. I've come to love this prayer so much! My understanding is that it's responsible for a grass-roots revival within Roman Catholicism in recent years. It's definitely drawn me closer to the Lord and more aware throughout the day of His love for me. My eternal gratitude to Drew Mariani of Relevant Radio, where I first heard the Chaplet and continue to pray it with him many days at 3 pm Central.

With love and blessings,
Alyce-Kay Ruckelshaus
Sweetwater, Tennessee, USA

Please note that if you use the link for the rosary or book on Amazon, I may receive a very small fee for the referral. It doesn't cost you more and it helps keep me off the street and out of trouble, as my late husband, Bill, used to say. Thank you for your help and for praying with me.

#chaplet #divine #mercy

10 Views · 2 years ago

Never give up, keep running towards your dreams 🌠

3 Views · 2 years ago

This is a supplemental discussion for lesson two of Kingdom Now by Pat J. Sikora.

Scriptures referenced in this video: --John 17:23--John 3:16--Mark 10:28-30--Job, especially Job 42:45

To buy Kingdom Now: ⁣

Pat's Website:

To get the first book in my Isaiah Cadre series FREE:

Please help me build my channel by commenting, liking, & sharing this video ... and subscribe if you haven't already.

Love you all,
Alyce-Kay Ruckelshaus
Sweetwater, Tennessee, USA

Note that if you use any of my Amazon links, I may get a small referral fee without any cost to you. Thanks for your support.

8 Views · 2 years ago

Positive I am affirmations, short calm, motivational affirmations to have a bright start to the day reducing negative blocks 🤗🤗🤗

36 Views · 2 years ago

Within the ancient texts of our most cherished traditions, we find precise instructions on how to create the healing, peace, and miracles. In this audio - visual journey, Gregg Braden explains how to understand and speak the language of The Divine Matrix.

12 Views · 2 years ago

✨This video channels energy from the Divine through the channel, into you. It is always sent for your highest and best good and the highest and best good for all involved.These are not a substitute for professional mental health or medical services.Reiki Notes & Common Experiences:1) You may feel an initial increase of stress or anxiety coming to the surface. This is normal! Allow it so happen (don't fight it). It is coming to the surface to be cleared.2) Other common energy healing experiences include twitching, jerking, heat, tingling, emotional releases. Everything you experience is valid and for your highest good. You are always safe going though this.3) Please drink water after each session.Reiki is the channeling of high vibrational Universal Energy through the practitioner (me) into the client (you). It is not meant as a substitute for medical treatment. 💕

4 Views · 2 years ago

Hello everyone. Welcome to part two of Mystical Awakenings (Conversations on Reality Creation). I am excited to be sharing and inspiring you to take control of your life and create your own reality. This will be a several week long course in reality creation and other relating concepts such as victim consciousness and the law of attraction. I hope to inspire all of you to transform your lives and grow spiritually. I have attached a link at the bottom of the description to the written notes discussed in this video. Hope you enjoy.
00:00-2:47 Intro
2:47 reality is created in the 4 levels of the mind
6:27 process of healing by reflection
10:00 problems in past lives continue in this life
13:45 themes of life lessons
16:32 you incarnate into a life you must learn from
21:35 why conscience growth is a better way to evolve
25:52 dark matrix of limitation and pain
36:12 negative scripts and inner demons
53:20 dark law
55:11 challenges as adolescents carry on to adult life
58:07 bottom line and refusing to heal
59:53 psychic contracts
1:06:27 psychic contracts create toxic cords
1:09:35 how to cut cords
1:21:32 attempting to change someone is pointless

6 Views · 2 years ago

Hello everyone. I am excited to be sharing and inspiring you to take control of your life and create your own reality. This will be a several week long course in reality creation and other relating concepts such as victim consciousness and the law of attraction. I hope to inspire all of you to transform your lives and grow spiritually. I have attached a link to the written notes discussed in this video.
00:00-10:57 introduction
10:58 start of class
13:19 Being physical is necessary to evolve
17:29 Incarnate as an infant
22:24 Law of attraction
30:20 Love is complicated
39:05 Forms of Power
46:39 Your beliefs reflect your life
54:30 Victim consciousness
1:08:56 How to heal yourself emotionally
1:11:58 Why evolution is important

35 Views · 2 years ago

'See you at the next rest stop'

Be blessed

14 Views · 2 years ago

DOWNLOAD MP3: second single off of Climbing PoeTree's INTRINSIC record, ““Love Will Triumph” is written and performed by Alixa Garcia & Naima Penniman, featuring Leah Song and Chloe Smith (Rising Appalachia) and Toshi Reagon on vocals. Collaborating musicians include Ganessa James (bass), Allison Miller (drums), Rachel Eckroth (keys), and Alex Nolan (guitar). Produced by Toshi Reagon. Music Video: starring Emet Vitale-Penniman, Asantewaa Harris, Racquel Norris, and Horus Runako.Directors: Alixa Garcia & Naima PennimanProducer: Trey Scott, Three Flames ProductionsCo-Director, Editor, Motion Graphics: David Miller, Three Flames ProductionsCo-Director and Director of Photography: Keresey Proctor Pearl, Three Flames ProductionsProduction Assistant: Misha SchmiedeckeTHANK YOU to our Asheville, NC fam for coming out and representing throughout the video!

3 Views · 2 years ago

A list of things that I appreciate and grateful for in my life.

2 Views · 2 years ago

The ritual or practice of Appreciation and Gratitude can change your life. Focus on what's good and right instead of what's missing. Can't be appreciative and grateful and unhappy at the same time, two things can't occupy one space

6 Views · 2 years ago

Having an off day but pressing through and trying to be STILL...

4 Views · 2 years ago

Princess Sarah has an extraordinary journey that has been featured on CNN, GMA, BBC, The Tamron Hall Show among numerous other publications worldwide. She shared the story of reuniting with her birth father in her co-authored book A Princess Found: An American Family, an African Chiefdom, and the Daughter Who Connected Them All. The book is now being adapted into a major motion picture for Disney Studios by award-winning filmmaker Stephanie Allain. Princess Sarah and her brother Hindo Joseph Kposowa founded the nonprofit Sierra Leone Rising which provides clean drinking water, education, medical attention, resources to build schools and technology centers, and more throughout Sierra Leone.

33 Views · 2 years ago

Research explains how the heart plays an extraordinary role in ourlives far beyond what is commonly known ❤

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